Erikson Steven "Gardens of The Moon" (see also Эриксон Стивен "Сады Луны")
As only first two volumes of the saga were translated into Russian, and now the 9th is being issued in English, I've decided to read the whole series in English, thus improving reading skills and acquiring better understanding of the author's ideas. In addition, it seemed to me that a review for the book read in English should also come in the same language.
That is a huge saga of the Malazan wars and (possibly) the fall of the Malazan empire. It begins with chronicles of the Genabakis campaign along with the Empire's attempts to take control over the Free Cities. Book One tells us about Pale's fall. 'tis really the world of might and magic, where people are only the youngest of all the races populating the world. Elder magic, elder and wisier nations still try to gain control over some aspects of life, using their powerful magical Warrens. But the humans have their own mages too, and the battle for power between humans quickly becomes the major theme with just the accompanying forces of Gods and Elder races. Here the story becomes, and noone knows where it ends. It's a great cocktail of worldwide political intrigues, magical conspiracies, where the fate of the whole world is upon the die. And nothing may become worldwide if not being shown in the main characters and their own fates.
A thought-provoking and pleasant reading.